Buying hosting and domain is an integral part if you decide to get your own website. Your site cannot exist only on a personal computer. It must be accessible to any user on the international Internet network. For this, the website must be hosted.
Each website contains text information, photo and video materials, graphic elements and much more. These are all files that have their own weight and must be stored somewhere. Hosting is a server that hosts files. In addition, hosting provides the functional needs of the site so that it is able to display correctly on the Internet and fulfill its purpose.
In turn, the Internet is nothing more than a huge number of servers connected to each other that transfer information, access to which works smoothly. Each server is a powerful computer (or several), which must be equipped with special software. Such a computer is always connected to a high-speed Internet channel and has access to the global network. All this makes it possible for hosting not only to store, but also to make your site available for viewing and implementing various processes on the resource pages.